- スペック
$ lscpu [kubo39:knn][git:master] Architecture: x86_64 CPU 操作モード: 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 4 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3 コアあたりのスレッド数:2 ソケットあたりのコア数:2 Socket(s): 1 NUMA ノード数: 1 ベンダー ID: GenuineIntel CPU ファミリー: 6 モデル: 69 Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz ...
- dmdのバージョン
$ dmd --version [kubo39:knn][git:master] DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.1
import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; import std.range; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.typecons; import std.parallelism; struct LabelPixel { int label; int[] pixels; } auto slurpFile(string filename) { int count; auto lp = File(filename) .byLine .dropOne .tee!(a => count++) .map!chomp .map!(a => a.to!string.split(",")) .map!(a => LabelPixel(a[0].to!int, a[1..$].to!(int[])) ) .array; return tuple(lp, count); } int distanceSqrt(const ref int[] x, const ref int[] y) pure { return reduce!((a, b) => a + (b[0] - b[1]) * (b[0] - b[1]))(0, x.zip(y)); } int classify(const ref LabelPixel[] training, const ref int[] pixels) pure { int smallest = int.max; int result = void; foreach (t; training) { int tmp = distanceSqrt(t.pixels, pixels); if (tmp < smallest) { smallest = tmp; result = t.label; } } return result; } void main() { const trainingSet = "trainingsample.csv".slurpFile; const validationSample = "validationsample.csv".slurpFile; int count(const LabelPixel data) pure { int num; if (classify(trainingSet[0], data.pixels) == data.label) num++; return num; } immutable num = taskPool.reduce!"a + b"( std.algorithm.map!(count)(validationSample[0]).array); writefln("Percentage correct: %f percent", num.to!double / validationSample[1].to!double * 100.0); }
- 最適化なし
$ time ./knn [kubo39:knn][git:master] Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent ./knn 110.16s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 1:50.33 total
- 最適化あり
$ time ./knn [kubo39:knn][git:master] Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent ./knn 90.50s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 1:30.59 total
$ rustc --version [kubo39:knn][git:master] rustc 1.17.0-nightly (306035c21 2017-02-18)
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use std::str::FromStr; struct LabelPixel { label: i32, pixels: Vec<i32> } fn slurp_file(file: &Path) -> Vec<LabelPixel> { BufReader::new(File::open(file).unwrap()) .lines() .skip(1) .map(|line| { let line = line.unwrap(); let mut iter = line.trim() .split(',') .map(|x| i32::from_str(x).unwrap()); LabelPixel { label: iter.next().unwrap(), pixels: iter.collect() } }) .collect() } fn distance_sqr(x: &[i32], y: &[i32]) -> i32 { // run through the two vectors, summing up the squares of the differences x.iter() .zip(y.iter()) .fold(0, |s, (&a, &b)| s + (a - b) * (a - b)) } fn classify(training: &[LabelPixel], pixels: &[i32]) -> i32 { training .iter() // find element of `training` with the smallest distance_sqr to `pixel` .min_by_key(|p| distance_sqr(p.pixels.as_slice(), pixels)).unwrap() .label } fn main() { let training_set = slurp_file(&Path::new("trainingsample.csv")); let validation_sample = slurp_file(&Path::new("validationsample.csv")); let num_correct = validation_sample.iter() .filter(|x| { classify(training_set.as_slice(), x.pixels.as_slice()) == x.label }) .count(); println!("Percentage correct: {}%", num_correct as f64 / validation_sample.len() as f64 * 100.0); }
$ cargo build --release [kubo39:knnrs][git:master] Compiling knnrs v0.1.0 (file:///home/kubo39/dev/dlang/knn/knnrs) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 2.6 secs $ time ./target/release/knnrs [kubo39:knnrs][git:master] Percentage correct: 94.39999999999999% ./target/release/knnrs 1.21s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 1.217 total
import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; import std.range; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.typecons; struct LabelPixel { int label; int[] pixels; } auto slurpFile(string filename) { int count; auto lp = File(filename) .byLine .dropOne .tee!(a => count++) .map!chomp .map!(a => a.to!string.split(",")) .map!(a => LabelPixel(a[0].to!int, a[1..$].to!(int[])) ) .array; return tuple(lp, count); } int distanceSqrt(const ref int[] x, const ref int[] y) pure { return reduce!((a, b) => a + (b[0] - b[1]) * (b[0] - b[1]))(0, x.zip(y)); } int classify(const ref LabelPixel[] training, const ref int[] pixels) pure { int smallest = int.max; int result = void; foreach (t; training) { int tmp = distanceSqrt(t.pixels, pixels); if (tmp < smallest) { smallest = tmp; result = t.label; } } return result; } void main() { const trainingSet = "trainingsample.csv".slurpFile; const validationSample = "validationsample.csv".slurpFile; int count(const LabelPixel data) pure { int num; if (classify(trainingSet[0], data.pixels) == data.label) num++; return num; } immutable num = reduce!"a + b"( std.algorithm.map!(count)(validationSample[0]).array); writefln("Percentage correct: %f percent", num.to!double / validationSample[1].to!double * 100.0); }
$ dmd -O knn.d [kubo39:knn][git:master] $ time ./knn [kubo39:knn][git:master] Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent ./knn 88.90s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1:28.94 total
$ ldc2 -version | head -2 LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.0.0): based on DMD v2.071.2 and LLVM 3.8.1
$ ldc2 -O knn.d $ time ./knn Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent ./knn 10.76s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 10.794 total
$ ldc2 -O -g knn.d $ sudo operf ./knn operf: Profiler started Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent Profiling done.
opannotate --source
$ opannotate --source [ ... ] /* * Total samples for file : "/home/kubo39/dev/dlang/knn/knn.d" * * 45735 15.2286 */ :import std.algorithm; :import std.array; :import std.conv; :import std.range; :import std.stdio; :import std.string; :import std.typecons; : :struct LabelPixel :{ : int label; : int[] pixels; :} : :auto slurpFile(string filename) :{ : int count; : : auto lp = File(filename) : .byLine : .dropOne : .tee!(a => count++) : .map!chomp : .map!(a => a.to!string.split(",")) : .map!(a => LabelPixel(a[0].to!int, a[1..$].to!(int[])) ) : .array; : return tuple(lp, count); :} : :int distanceSqrt(const ref int[] x, const ref int[] y) pure :{ 45028 14.9931 : return reduce!((a, b) => a + (b[0] - b[1]) * (b[0] - b[1]))(0, x.zip(y)); /* _D3knn12distanceSqrtFNaKxAiKxAiZi total: 165424 55.0818 */ :} : :int classify(const ref LabelPixel[] training, const ref int[] pixels) pure :{ : int smallest = int.max; : int result = void; : 523 0.1741 : foreach (t; training) : { 33 0.0110 : int tmp = distanceSqrt(t.pixels, pixels); 50 0.0166 : if (tmp < smallest) : { : smallest = tmp; : result = t.label; : } : } : return result; :} : :void main() :{ : const trainingSet = "trainingsample.csv".slurpFile; /* _Dmain total: 711 0.2367 */ : const validationSample = "validationsample.csv".slurpFile; : : int count(const LabelPixel data) pure : { : int num; 101 0.0336 : if (classify(trainingSet[0], data.pixels) == data.label) : num++; : return num; : } : : immutable num = reduce!"a + b"( : std.algorithm.map!(count)(validationSample[0]).array); : : writefln("Percentage correct: %f percent", : num.to!double / validationSample[1].to!double * 100.0); :}
... int distanceSqrt(const ref int[] x, const ref int[] y) pure { int total; foreach (i, a; x) total += (a - y[i]) ^^ 2; return total; } ...
$ ldc2 -O knn.d $ time ./knn Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent ./knn 2.45s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 2.463 total
import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; import std.range; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.typecons; struct LabelPixel { int label; int[] pixels; } auto slurpFile(string filename) { int count; return File(filename) .byLine .dropOne .map!chomp .map!(a => a.to!string.split(",")) .map!(a => LabelPixel(a[0].to!int, a[1..$].to!(int[])) ) .array; } int distanceSqrt(const ref int[] x, const ref int[] y) pure { int total; foreach (i, a; x) total += (a - y[i]) ^^ 2; return total; } int classify(const ref LabelPixel[] training, const ref int[] pixels) pure { int smallest = int.max; int result = void; foreach (t; training) { int tmp = distanceSqrt(t.pixels, pixels); if (tmp < smallest) { smallest = tmp; result = t.label; } } return result; } void main() { const trainingSet = "trainingsample.csv".slurpFile; const validationSample = "validationsample.csv".slurpFile; immutable num = validationSample .filter!(a => classify(trainingSet, a.pixels) == a.label) .count; writefln("Percentage correct: %f percent", num.to!double / validationSample.length.to!double * 100.0); }
$ ldc2 -O knn.d $ time ./knn Percentage correct: 94.400000 percent ./knn 2.52s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 2.528 total
... :int distanceSqrt(const ref int[] x, const ref int[] y) pure :{ : int total; 8513 13.5856 : foreach (i, a; x) 45571 72.7251 : total += (a - y[i]) ^^ 2; : return total; :} ...
operf –assemblyもしてみたがあまりわからなかった。
sub -> imul -> add -> inc の場所で60%以上喰ってるらしいが。。
000000000001a580 <_D3std9algorithm9iteration62__T12FilterResultS213knn4mainFZ9__lambda1TAxS3knn10LabelPixelZ12FilterResult8popFrontMFNaZv>: /* _D3std9algorithm9iteration62__T12FilterResultS213knn4mainFZ9__lambda1TAxS3knn10LabelPixelZ12FilterResult8popFrontMFNaZv total: 54369 86.7655 */ ... 4071 6.4968 : 1a600: cmp %rsi,%rbx 21 0.0335 : 1a603: jae 1a649 <_D3std9algorithm9iteration62__T12FilterResultS213knn4mainFZ9__lambda1TAxS3knn10LabelPixelZ12FilterResult8popFrontMFNaZv+0xc9> 3182 5.0780 : 1a605: mov (%rcx,%rbx,4),%r8d 14565 23.2438 : 1a609: sub (%rdx,%rbx,4),%r8d 6849 10.9301 : 1a60d: imul %r8d,%r8d 10065 16.0624 : 1a611: add %r8d,%ebp 9923 15.8358 : 1a614: inc %rbx 5268 8.4070 : 1a617: cmp %rax,%rbx 35 0.0559 : 1a61a: jb 1a600 <_D3std9algorithm9iteration62__T12FilterResultS213knn4mainFZ9__lambda1TAxS3knn10LabelPixelZ12FilterResult8popFrontMFNaZv+0x80> ...
// run through the two vectors, summing up the squares of the differences x.iter() .zip(y.iter()) .fold(0, |s, (&a, &b)| s + (a - b) * (a - b)) 8b80: f3 0f 6f 0c b7 movdqu (%rdi,%rsi,4),%xmm1 8b85: f3 0f 6f 14 b2 movdqu (%rdx,%rsi,4),%xmm2 8b8a: 66 0f fa ca psubd %xmm2,%xmm1 8b8e: 66 0f 70 d1 f5 pshufd $0xf5,%xmm1,%xmm2 8b93: 66 0f f4 c9 pmuludq %xmm1,%xmm1 8b97: 66 0f 70 c9 e8 pshufd $0xe8,%xmm1,%xmm1 8b9c: 66 0f f4 d2 pmuludq %xmm2,%xmm2 8ba0: 66 0f 70 d2 e8 pshufd $0xe8,%xmm2,%xmm2 8ba5: 66 0f 62 ca punpckldq %xmm2,%xmm1 8ba9: 66 0f fe c8 paddd %xmm0,%xmm1 8bad: f3 0f 6f 44 b7 10 movdqu 0x10(%rdi,%rsi,4),%xmm0 8bb3: f3 0f 6f 54 b2 10 movdqu 0x10(%rdx,%rsi,4),%xmm2 8bb9: 66 0f fa c2 psubd %xmm2,%xmm0 8bbd: 66 0f 70 d0 f5 pshufd $0xf5,%xmm0,%xmm2 8bc2: 66 0f f4 c0 pmuludq %xmm0,%xmm0 8bc6: 66 0f 70 c0 e8 pshufd $0xe8,%xmm0,%xmm0 8bcb: 66 0f f4 d2 pmuludq %xmm2,%xmm2 8bcf: 66 0f 70 d2 e8 pshufd $0xe8,%xmm2,%xmm2